How A Healthy Diet Prevents Cavities

Fruits & Vegetables

Many people don’t realize that a healthy diet can prevent cavities. While cavities can have many causes, one of the biggest is an unhealthy lifestyle. This is especially true if said lifestyle is heavy in sugar, mainly processed sugar.

Why Does Sugar Cause Cavities?

Our mouths are the gateway to the rest of our bodies. They are the primary way we take nutrients into our systems, which are converted into many different things, including energy and new cells. However, since the mouth takes in a wide variety of foreign objects, it is loaded with many different types of bacteria. While having a diverse range of bacteria is essential to immune health, it can cause problems in the mouth if combined with neglect and poor eating habits.

If bacteria had a favorite meal, sugar would be in its top five favorite dishes. Sugar, mainly processed sugar, gets consumed by bacteria, allowing it to multiply. When bacteria multiply, it creates plaque, which damages tooth enamel. If enough plague builds on tooth enamel in small concentrated areas, the tooth’s surface essentially collapses into a small sinkhole—this is the beginning of a cavity.

Once the beginning of a cavity is created, it only gets worse without dental attention. Bacteria will multiply in the opening and continue to feed on the nutrients provided by a poor diet. The cavity will get larger and larger with time, all the while the individual has no idea that this is happening because the process up to a point is relatively painless.

Cavities get to the point where they almost look like a mini cave system, boring down to the very base of the tooth—this is when people start to feel severe pain. Since cavities never go away on their own, the problem only worsens.

How can I Avoid Cavities through Diet?

Less sugar means fewer cavities. More sugar means inevitable cavities, even if you brush and floss daily. If you have a healthy diet consisting of fruits and vegetables, the damage that is done to your teeth isn’t nearly as bad as compared to a diet composed of processed foods. Your body can do a lot more with the vitamins, minerals, and fiber provided by healthy eating. Some foods like garlic and avocados even go so far as to strengthen tooth enamel. But what about the sugar from fruit?

The sugar from fruit can cause cavities if left unchecked by brushing, flossing, and moderation of diet. However, there is a significant difference between the sugar found in an apple versus a lollipop. Sugar found in fruit is bound to fiber, which lessens its damage to your body. Sugar that is processed is simply sugar in its most unhealthy form.

There is no upside to processed sugar besides taste, only downsides. Sugar has been linked to most bodily cancers, many of which start in the mouth. This all starts with a healthy diet!

Need Advice on a Healthy Diet?

If you are in the Detroit, Michigan area, look no further than Brush Rinse Floss on essential diet tips that promote a cavity-free mouth. The beautiful thing about a healthy diet is that it is never too late to start one, and our doctors are willing to help with that!

The offices at Brush Rinse Floss are equipped with the latest state-of-the-art technology, so we can detect cavities, even when they are just starting to happen, and can be treated with minimal effort on our part. We will not make you feel bad for not brushing correctly. We will not lecture you about not flossing enough. We want you to live your best life, which starts with excellent oral health. Book an appointment with us today, and we’ll help you get started!